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Introducing the 2003 Tubby Tour...

For those of you that are not familiar with Jim's fat dad, here is a brief review of his past....
Name: For legal reasons, let's just stick with Jim's Fat Dad...
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 857 lbs.
Claims to fame: Besides being the father of my good friend Jim, Jim's Fat Dad has sued the following companies; Nabisco, Hershey, Macintosh Computers, Coca-Cola, Jenny Craig, Tampax, and virtually every all-you-can-eat restaurant in New England. Jim's Fat Dad has also survived 32 Britney Spears induced heart attacks and one sprained wrist. Last year, Jim's Fat Dad declared that he would run for president in 2004. He later dropped out of the election after he realized he did not have enough money to become president.
Personal Motto: "Two hands...Two cupcakes!" 

Now, after Jim's Fat Dad dropped out of the 2004 presidential election, he decided to take a vacation with the money that he saved to become president. Jim's Fat Dad called this vacation the 2003 Tubby Tour! On tour Jim's Fat Dad visited beautiful places like, Hawaii, Arizona, Nevada, Washington D.C., Alaska, and even China! Jim's Fat Dad took pictures while visiting these places...The vacation begins in Hawaii, click on the Hawaii link below to enter the 2003 Tubby Tour!

Jim's Fat Dad In Hawaii